Spring Persistence with Hibernate (in English)

Spring Persistence with Hibernate

The book continues with a discussion about Hibernate as the most popular persistence framework in Java. First, you will learn how to get Hibernate and add it to a project and how to configure it before it can be used. Next, you will get an in-depth knowledge about Hibernate and understand the essential concepts behind persistence with Hibernate and more. When Hibernate has been fully discussed, you will get to know Spring as another popular framework in Java, and have a look at essential features of Spring and its added value for Hibernate-based projects. Finally the book will provide a comprehensive discussion about using Hibernate with Spring and the problems that are solved with Spring. (more...)

Java Standard Development (in Farsi)

Java Standard Development

This book is a definitive guide to the Java language and its essential libraries. The book is aimed to provide an easy to use tutorial with an example-rich education. It is started with elementary topics such as "how Java works", "what are JDK, JRE, and JVM" and continues with advanced topics such as "Object Oriented Analysis and Design", "Creating User Interfaces", "Threads", and "JDBC".

Java Web Development (in Farsi)

Java Web Development

This book is aimed to show Java developers how they can use the JSP and Servlet technologies to create dynamic web sites. It starts with basic concepts behind web and web programming, and continues with other topics such as Servlet and JSP development, session tracking, custom JSP and tag libraries. Finally the book discusses the advanced topics in the Java web programming such as filters, listeners, and implementing web security.

J2EE Open Source Programming (in Farsi)

J2EE Development

The book is aimed to elaborate on open source frameworks such as Struts, Hibernate, Spring with build, logging, and unit testing considerations as well as discuss integrating them in a typical application. This book discusses how developing a real-world application can be simplified by using the Spring lightweight framework. The book is highly recommended to all J2EE developers and architects.